Things You Could Be Doing During Your Lunch Break

Ever wondered how to make the most out of your lunch break? This article dives deep into various activities you could engage in to maximize this precious time. Whether you’re looking to recharge, stay productive, or simply unwind, there’s something for everyone.

Take a Walk

Аллея в парке с рядами деревьев, тропинкой и лавочками. Люди гуляют в тени деревьев.

One of the most beneficial things you can do during your lunch break is to take a walk. This physical activity doesn’t just help you get some exercise but also encourages mental clarity. Walking can stimulate brain function, improve your mood, and reduce stress levels. If you can, head to a nearby park or stroll around your neighborhood. The fresh air and change in scenery can do wonders for your overall well-being.

Catch Up on Reading

Молодой мужчина читает книгу в уличном кафе, рядом кофе.

If you’re an avid reader, your lunch break is a perfect time to dive into a good book or catch up on news articles. Reading is a great way to unwind and let your mind wander away from work-related stress. Choose a book that engages you or a magazine that interests you. Consider using an e-reader or tablet for convenience, especially if you’re on the go. This practice can be both relaxing and intellectually stimulating.

Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

Мужчина медитирует в позе лотоса в светлом помещении с растениями.

In today’s fast-paced world, practicing mindfulness or meditation can be incredibly beneficial. Find a quiet spot where you can sit down comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Meditation can help to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve emotional health. If you’re new to meditation, there are numerous apps and guided sessions that can assist you in getting started. Taking just a few minutes to center yourself can set a positive tone for the rest of your day.


Networking is another productive use of your lunch break. Building professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities and advancements in your career. Consider setting up a lunch meeting with a colleague or a professional contact. Even a phone call to catch up with a mentor or industry peer can be immensely beneficial. Networking doesn’t always have to be formal; sometimes, casual conversations can lead to meaningful connections.

Plan Your Afternoon

Another way to make your lunch break productive is to use it for planning your afternoon. Take out a notebook or use a planner to jot down your tasks for the rest of the day. Break down big tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This habit can help you stay organized and ensure that you efficiently tackle your workload.

  1. Identify your top three priorities for the afternoon.
  2. Create a timeline to finish these tasks.
  3. Allocate short breaks to keep your productivity levels high.


Making effective use of your lunch break can significantly impact your productivity and wellness. Whether you opt to take a walk, catch up on reading, practice mindfulness, network, or plan your afternoon, these activities can help you recharge and refocus. Leveraging your lunch break for both relaxation and productivity ensures that you return to work energized and ready to tackle the rest of the day. Remember, even small changes in your routine can have a substantial impact on your overall well-being.


1. What is the best way to spend a lunch break?

The best way to spend a lunch break varies from person to person. Activities like walking, reading, meditation, networking, or planning your afternoon can be very effective.

2. How long should a lunch break be?

Typically, lunch breaks range from 30 minutes to an hour. However, the duration may vary based on your workplace policies and personal preferences.

3. Can a short walk during lunch break improve productivity?

Yes, a short walk can help improve productivity by clearing your mind, reducing stress, and increasing your physical activity.

4. Is it okay to work during my lunch break?

While some people may choose to work during their lunch break, it’s essential to take some time for yourself to recharge and avoid burnout.

5. How can I practice mindfulness during a busy day?

Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Apps and guided meditation sessions can also help you practice mindfulness effectively.